BCDiabetes Loop Research

2023-Oct-29 - Poster presentation of proposed open-source vs retail AID RCT "SOAR-UP"

Dr. Kate Hawke, BCDiabetes' Aussie visiting Senior Research Fellow, presented a poster outlining the protocol for Supported Open-Source Automated Insulin Delivery Randomized Multi-arm Platform Trial, or SOAR-UP for short.  The venue was Montreal, and the occasion Vascular 23, Diabetes Canada's annual scientific meeting.   For the poster click here.  For the detailed protocol email questions@bcdiabetes.ca and ask to speak with Dr. Hawke.

2023-Oct-10 - Canadian Journal of Diabetes accepts BCDiabetes' first Loop paper for publication

For the editor's proof click here. Briefly, the average Time in Range (TIR) immediately pre-Loop was 64% - three weeks later it was 81%. The average A1c immediately pre-Loop was 7.2 - three months later it was 6.7. Quality of Life measures (Diabetes Distress, Fear of Hypoglycemia and Insomnia index) were favorable pre Loop and 3 months later even more favorable.  We saw 3 episodes of severe hypoglycemia.  These results compare favorably with all published retail APS literature. For a 20 minute Zoom presentation of a slidedeck with most of the 248 cases reviewed click here.