Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to Loop with BC Diabetes? 

All Canadian residents on multiple daily injections of insulin, or on an insulin pump, are invited to join BC Diabetes for looping services. Services are provided under MSP (excluding Quebec residents). If you already have an endocrinologist or diabetes doctor, your primary care will remain with them. BC Diabetes will provide ongoing secondary support including installation and configuration of your looping software. Please visit our website to register. 

We are not accepting patients outside of Canada at this time.

Troubleshooting Red Circles

Solution 1: Restart your phone then wait for your next CGM reading (<5 min) 

Solution 2: If you recently replaced your Dexcom transmitter, please enter your new transmitter ID into Loop by following the instructions below. If you have done so already, please confirm you have entered the correct ID.

For additional support, contact us at 604-683-3734 during office hours, or reach out to members of our online support group.

App Crashing in Background

Errors with Loop crashing in the background are elusive and tend to be associated with older iPhone models. Here are two things you can try:

Beta App Expired

Please open up TestFlight on your iPhone and make sure your Loop app is fully updated. If Loop is missing from your list of apps in TestFlight, contact BC Diabetes during office hours or via Slack to re-add you back to the beta program.

Sick Day Management

When you are sick, your sugars often run higher than average. This places you at an increased risk of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life threatening condition. Any blood ketone value >0.6 is abnormal and requires immediate action.

*Occasionally the built-in settings of Loop, iAPS and AAPS are insufficient to deal with the markedly increased insulin resistance associated with illness and medication like prednisone and other glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone and cortisone. If you see your sugars soaring and you’ve checked for pump failure etc, BCDiabetes suggests you make the following changes to your settings.

Step 1: Amplify insulin delivery across the board:

In Loop push Custom Preset to the maximum of 200%

In iAPS select your profile, and increase insulin to 200%

In AAPS activate your profile, and increase insulin to 200%

And wait a couple of hours

Step 2: Go into your primary settings for ICF, ISF and basal rates and double the insulin delivery for each setting:

For ICF halve the number: if your current setting is 10, reduce it to 5

For ISF halve the number: if your current setting is 2, reduce it to 1.0

For basal rate double the number: if your current basal rate is 1.0U/hr make it 2.0U /hr.

And wait a couple of hours

Step 3: Go back into your primary settings for ICF, ISF and basal rates and re-double the insulin delivery for each:

For ICF halve the number again: if your current setting is 5, reduce it to 2.5

For ISF halve the number again: if your current setting is 1.0, reduce it to 0.5

For basal rate re-double the number: if your current basal rate is 2.0U/hr make it 4.0U /hr.

The moment your numbers start to bottom-out return amplification (Step 1) to your usual setting, typically 100% (in this example reduce from 200% to 100%), and go into your primary settings and gradually reverse the changes you made in Steps 1 and 2 to reduce insulin delivery for ICF, ISF and basal rates.

More Information

Loop Safety Kit and Travelling

Loop systems have shown to be reliable. Nonetheless, things can go wrong so it is important you prepare for the worst. BC Diabetes recommends the following backup supplies, especially when planning to travel long distances.

More Information

Please also note that if you are travelling to a different time zone, you may need to update your pump's time. To synchronize the time on the pump, tap:

See LoopandLearn's documentation for more information.